SpiritMaji Files

File Size Last Modified
01 Foundation - Isaac Asimov.pdf 936.34 KB Aug 9th 2023 at 6:09am
02 Foundation and Empire - Isaac Asimov.pdf 1.03 MB Aug 9th 2023 at 6:09am
03 Second Foundation - Isaac Asimov.pdf 979.64 KB Aug 9th 2023 at 6:09am
04 Foundation's Edge - Isaac Asimov.pdf 1010.03 KB Aug 9th 2023 at 6:09am
05 Foundation and Earth - Isaac Asimov.pdf 1.7 MB Aug 9th 2023 at 6:09am
06 Prelude to Foundation - Isaac Asimov.pdf 1.02 MB Aug 9th 2023 at 6:10am
07 Forward the Foundation - Isaac Asimov.pdf 1.45 MB Aug 9th 2023 at 6:10am

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